Bamboo is very often planted in locations for privacy screening or simply because of its attractive appearance, yet hard landscaping such a patios are the absolute worst place to grow bamboo anywhere near.
Bamboo spreads unseen underground, once it reaches hard landscaped areas such as patios the rhizomes will breach any weaknesses, cracks and voids, very often spreading throughout the sub base material.

Bamboo Growing Through Patio.
The first visible signs of the huge problems below will be small bamboo shoots rising up through any cracks it finds.
You may notice just one or two shoots, yet under the paving there is likely to be a huge maze of rhizome spreading throughout the area, waiting for the next growing season to grow new culms anywhere a weakness is found.
However, new growing culms are not the only issue that will cause damage to your patio.
As the rhizomes grow they also become larger in diameter, also the sheer volume of rhizome mass under the patio.
As the rhizome expands the pressure will increase on the patio paving, cracks will start to appear on the paving joints, slabs will start to lift making way for more culms to grow upwards.
This is where the expense can rise sharply.
To be able to remove the bamboo ending the your misery, the only option will be to dismantle the patio to enable the removal of the bamboo from under the patio.
Not only do you have the costs for the bamboo removal but also replacement of the patio, which clearly will be significant.
If you have bamboo growing under or in your patio, it is very much like an iceberg, the bit you can see is not the bit you want to worry about, it’s the bit you can’t see you need to be very concerned about.
Act now before your bamboo nightmare just gets worse.
Devon Arborists the Bamboo Removal Specialists.
Telephone 📞 07485 411618
Or visit the website for more information.